Renderoc HB40
Renderoc HB40 is a high build repair mortar for localised repair of reinforced concrete up to 45MPa. Meets the requirements of EN1504-3 Class R3. It can be applied to vertical concrete patches up to 40 mm deep. Suitable for use with Galvashield anode protection systems.
Typical Applications
Vertical & overhead patch repairs
Localised trowel or wet spray application
Up to 1m2 repair area
Trowel build depth between 10-40mm required
Required strength is between 25-40 MPa
Compatible with concrete strength in the range 30 to 45MPa
Abrasion resistant – suitable for aggressive environments
Shrinkage compensated – provides long term dimensional stability
Low permeability to potentially damaging water, CO2 and chloride ions
Suitable for use with Galvashield anodes
Can be applied using wet-spray process – providing faster high build repairs
Pre-bagged to overcome site-batched variations – only the site addition of clean water required
Complies to AS/NZS4020:2005 – suitable for use in potable water
Product Code
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